Personal Injury Case Update From Law Lane

A claimant was represented by Miss Miley, Mr. Khan, and Mr. Singh for personal injuries, losses, and damages resulting from a car accident that occurred while the claimant was at work. At all material times: (1) The Claimant was working at an Amazon fulfilment centre in Crabtree Manorway North, London, DA17 6AS; (2) The FirstContinue reading “Personal Injury Case Update From Law Lane”

What Does Our Business Immigration Team Do?

The UK’s immigration laws are undergoing a rapid change following the UK’s departure from the European Union and in response to fast-changing economic circumstances. The Law Lane business immigration team can leverage its cross-practice expertise to cut across the complexity and provide down-to-earth, practical immigration advice to employers on their workplace immigration needs. Employee SponsorshipContinue reading “What Does Our Business Immigration Team Do?”

Law Lane Receives Recognition From Trinity College London

We are pleased to announce that we are now officially listed on the Directory of Immigration Advisers at Trinity College London! Trinity’s Directory of Immigration Advisors is a list of some of the organisations in the UK that offer independent and qualified advice to help and support you on your Visa/Citizenship Immigration journey. Trinity CollegeContinue reading “Law Lane Receives Recognition From Trinity College London”